Customers from around the world always turn to our D&D engineering & manufacturing team to completely refurbish high-quality air knife nozzle lips.
We expertly measure, grind, buff and polish. This results in top-standard knife blade lips for the paper board products industry that work like new.
D&D always promises:
- Speed – 6 to 8-week standard turnaround. No delays. No surprises!
- Blade lips refurbished to your 100% satisfaction.
- Complete inspection so your blade lips are sharp, clean and ready upon arrival.
D&D Industrial offers Air Knife solutions to paper board product markets in China, Malaysia, India, the Netherlands, Spain, Saudi Arabia and all across the United States for clients past and present such as U.S. Steel, AK Steel, WestRock, Tata Industries, Jefferson Smurfit, RockTenn, Smurfit Stone, White Pigeon Paper, PaperWorks LLC.